In this Zero Waste online store, you will find essential items to significantly reduce your environmental impact, Zero Waste is based on handcrafted products for hygiene such as washable make-up remover wipes, essential kitchen items such as food charlottes or washable paper towel, nomadic objects, and a multitude of products for children and babies: bib wipes, health book cover
We fight for the preservation of the environment, against waste and unnecessary packaging, our approach is sustainable and eco-responsible, with the use of GOTS labeled fabrics or fabrics intended to be thrown away and this for the greatest pleasure of you. support on a daily basis.
“Zero waste, quesako? »
Zero waste refers to a movement that aims to reduce the amount of waste produced, by acting individually and collectively, for example through the purchase of reusable products (gourds, washable wipes, washable sanitary protection, etc. .) or bulk food (bulk bags, jars, returnable bottles, etc.) rather than disposable or obsolete products, but also through a more general strategy of reducing the amount of waste produced by industrial civilization. (source Wikipedia)
Today more than ever, our impact on the planet is well established.
Choosing to participate in this momentum which consists in reducing this waste has become natural for many of us, in particular with selective sorting which is becoming widespread in our territory and on a world scale.
Buying or making zero-waste everyday products is more than a militant act, it's a way of life in its own right.
Reducing our waste involves recycling, minimalist packaging and the use of biodegradable materials in order to preserve the biodiversity of our beautiful planet.
This is why Fa Bric à Brac de dea offers you a whole range of products that meet the Zero Waste lifestyle.
It was on the initiative of Crystel Mattei that this store was born.
All the products and accessories present on this shop are made of natural materials,
organic for the most part and respecting the environment.
The report is without appeal, the life of yesterday is no more.
Everything is deteriorating around us (human relations, nature, quality of life, etc.)
I took it in not really knowing what to do with it.
A life event made me think about it more.
Very creative and sensitive to the evolution of my environment (social, cultural, physical), I have gradually implemented zero waste solutions within my family.
Naturally, I had the idea of combining my creations with the desire to help change, mother of two children, I feel all the more concerned.
so it makes sense for me to create sustainable everyday objects that respect the environment. my creations are ecological while remaining colorful and sparkling
It offers objects created with natural and environmentally friendly materials. My wish is to promote short circuits and
to use organic labeled fabrics (GOTS).
Each of us needs to realize that change is on the way and that we all have a role to play.
Chrystel Mattei